Migrate SVN to GIT with history

Raja Ram T
3 min readJan 1, 2022


Migrate SVN to GIT with history , Credits: google search
Migrate SVN to GIT with history , Credits: google search

I was recently working on SVN to Git migration project, Just sharing a high-level process might be useful for anyone for the SVN to Git migration process.

There are many tools such as svn2git, git-svn, and SubGit, etc…
Initially tried with git-svn but faced issues with huge bigger and old history projects. Later used svn2git, its works like a charm!.
I personally highly recommend the svn2git tool for migration. SVN2GIT is a good choice for the huge repositories.

I’m unable to find any straightforward and best article, just writing using git2svn tool, available many techniques including git-svn, but I personally and strongly recommend svn2git for the huge and old history projects!. And here we will discuss the migration SVN to Git migration project using the svn2git tool.

  1. Installation svn2git


Go get it from the Ruby Installer for Windows page and install the latest version.

Install the svn2git gem

gem install svn2git


Install git, git-svn, and ruby

$ sudo apt-get install git-core git-svn ruby

Install the svn2git gem

$ sudo gem install svn2git

2. SVN Repo List

svn list http://[your domain name]/svn/[your repository trunk root]

3. Retrieve a list of all Subversion authors


svn log http://[your domain name]/svn/[your repository trunk root] --quiet | ? { $_ -notlike '-*' } | % { "{0} = {0} <{0}>" -f ($_ -split ' \| ')[1] } | Select-Object -Unique | Out-File 'authors.txt'


svn log http://[your domain name]/svn/[your repository trunk root] --quiet | grep -E "r[0-9]+ \| .+ \|" | cut -d'|' -f2 | sed 's/ //g' | sort | uniq |tee -a authors.txt

You can then edit authors.txt each line in the file to create a mapping of SVN users to a well-formatted Git user. For example, you can map rajaramtt = rajaramtt <rajaramtt> to rajaramtt = Raja Rama Mohan T <rajaram.tavalam@gmail.com>.

4. Clone the Subversion repository using git-svn

svn2git http://[your domain name]/svn/[your repository trunk root] — trunk / — nobranches — notags — authors authors.txt

5. Find empty directories and add .gitignore

Windows Powershell

Get-ChildItem -Directory -Recurse | Where-Object -FilterScript {($_.GetFiles().Count -eq 0) -and $_.GetDirectories().Count -eq 0} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName

Linux Terminal

find . -type d -empty

Add Git ignore

git svn show-ignore > .gitignore

Git doesn’t track empty directories, Please add the .gitkeep file in the above empty directories, add and commit.

git add [your empty directories files and git ignore]
git commit -m '[your commit message]'

6. Push repository

git remote add origin http://[your git repo URL.git]git push origin — mirror

7. Sync your svn repo to bitbucket

svn2git --rebasegit push origin master


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Medium: @rajaramtt

Thanks for reading, Happy coding! 😊 👍



Raja Ram T

I’m a Technical Lead Based in Hyderabad, India. I spend every day enthusiastically learning new technologies.