Creating and publishing private packages to jfrog artifactory

Publishing npm packages with Artifactory
I’m writing a very short article for the private npm package publish to artifactory.
Initially Set up the Artifactory to the npm virtual registry
Once set up Virtual npm, Follow the steps below.
1) Select “Artifacts” from the left menu
2) Select the “Set Me Up” link on the upper right.
3) Select ‘npm’ for the Tool drop-down, ‘{{Your Created Virtual Repository}}’ for the Repository drop-down.
4) Click on Generate npm Settings
5) Set the default npm registry with an Artifactory npm repository
npm config set registry https://{{YOUR-URL}}/artifactory/api/npm/{{Your Created Virtual Repository}}/
6) Copy the “Using basic authentication” and paste the data into the
~/.npmrc file (in Windows %USERPROFILE%/.npmrc)
7) Open your package.json file add publishConfig
“publishConfig”:{“registry”:”https://{{YOUR-URL}}/artifactory/api/npm/{{Your Created Virtual Repository}}/”}
8) publish the package
npm publish
Few other useful npm links
For Jenkins Artifactory Plug-in
Bamboo Artifactory Plug-in