Angular 8 New Features
2 min readJun 6, 2019

Version 8 of Angular has been released on last month 28th, In Angular Version 8 having below listed features.
- Differential Loading by Default, CLI automatically creates multiple production bundle for modern(es2015) and legacy(es5) browsers. When users load your application, they’ll automatically get the bundle they need.
- Angular 8.0 now supports TypeScript 3.4, and even requires it, so you’ll need to upgrade.
- New method add markAllAsTouched() to AbstractControl
- New method add FormArray.clear();
- Route Configurations use Dynamic Imports Previously this looked like: {path: ‘/admin’, loadChildren’./admin/admin.module#AdminModule’} Now this will look like: {path: `/admin`, loadChildren: () => import(`./admin/admin.module`).then(m => m.AdminModule)}
- @angular/http has been removed from 8.0, after being replaced by@angular/common/http in 4.3 and officially deprecated in 5.0, 18 months ago.
- In order to use @ViewChild and @ContentChild with angular version 8 project, we just need to pass one additional argument, whether it is static ornot. Earlier@ViewChild(‘input1’) demoInput:ElementRef; now @ViewChild(‘input1’,{ static : false }) demoInput:ElementRef;
- Ivy is the most important feature to release in angular version 8. Although it is not ready for production but you can work around with it for testing.
- Angular had added the experimental support for Bazel build tool and it is not fully finished yet .
- Angular CLI 8, web workers are taken into consideration when building the production bundles which helps increase the performance. Angular CLI 8 provides now one bundle for every web worker.