Angular 7 New Features and upgrade angular 6 to angular 7 within 2 minutes
Version 7 of Angular has been released on this month 19th, In 7 having few new features and interesting tooling changes.
Angular 7 New Features
Angular 7 Dependency Updated Typescript 2.x to 3.x, RxJS 6.1.x to 6.3.x and node 8 to Node 10.
Angular CLI support routing and Style sheet languages
Angular 7 automatically remove reflect-metadata polyfill from your polyfills.ts file, as it is only meant for development, not for production.
Angular 7 using Budget Bundles which work to notify you when your app is reaching size limits. Default new applications will warn when the initial bundle is more than 2MB and will error at 5MB. we will change this in angular.json
"budgets": [{
"type": "initial",
"maximumWarning": "2mb",
"maximumError": "5mb"
Angular Material 7 added new features Virtual Scrolling and Drag and Drop by importing the DragDropModule
or the ScrollingModule
Upgrade angular 6 to angular 7 within 2 minutes
The upgrade to angular 6 to 7 is pretty easy and it can be one command for most of us. Thanks to the work done by the Angular team.
ng update @angular/cli @angular/core
And if you’re using Angular Material:
ng update @angular/material
This update is faster than ever, and many apps take less than 10 minutes to update. Verify update in the package.json file.
For the ng update all options, Please check the official link.
If ng update not working, Please check the Update Guide.
Reference and credits: angular official blog.